Source code for ocdsindex.extract

``extract_`` methods that return the documents to index as a list of dicts. Each dict sets these keys:

  The remote URL of the document, which might include a fragment identifier
  The title of the document, which might be the page title and the heading text
  The plain text content of the document

import logging

import lxml.html
from lxml import etree

from ocdsindex.exceptions import MissingHeadingError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _extract_sphinx_section(section):
    lines = []

    for node in section.xpath("node()[not(self::comment())]"):
        if isinstance(node, str):  # lxml.etree._ElementUnicodeResult
            text = str(node)
        # Index each section separately. Don't index the title as part of the text.
        elif node.tag in ("section", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"):
            text = node.text_content()

        # Normalize whitespace within a single line.
        lines.extend([" ".join(line.split()) for line in text.splitlines()])

    # Compact newlines.
    return "\n".join(filter(None, lines)), section.attrib["id"]

def _select_div_by_class(tree, class_name):
    return tree.xpath(f"//div[@class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' {class_name} ')]")

[docs] def extract_sphinx(url, tree): """ Extracts one document per section of the page. :param str url: the file's remote URL :param tree: the file's root HTML element :returns: a list of dicts representing the documents to index :rtype: list """ # Don't index the text content of script and style HTML elements. for element in ("script", "style"): etree.strip_elements(tree, element) # Don't index the text content of code-block, literalinclude, jsoninclude, etc. directives. for section in _select_div_by_class(tree, "highlight-json"): section.getparent().remove(section) documents = [] for section in tree.xpath("//*[contains(@role, 'main')]//section"): title = tree.xpath("//title/text()")[0].split("—")[0].strip() try: section_title = section.xpath("h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6")[0].text_content().rstrip("¶") except IndexError as e: logger.exception(f"No heading found\n{lxml.html.tostring(section).decode()}") raise MissingHeadingError(e) if title != section_title: title = f"{title} - {section_title}" text, section_id = _extract_sphinx_section(section) # A heading immediately followed by a subheading will not have any text. However, some phrases occur only in # headings ("Merging specification"), so we include them anyway. documents.append( { "url": f"{url}#{section_id}", "title": title, "text": text, } ) return documents
[docs] def extract_extension_explorer(url, tree): pass